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A leading trend in children’s rooms


Since 2011, various types of teepee have become common interior design features in children’s rooms in Estonia. When launching our handcrafted teepees on the Estonian market, setting a new trend was not our primary goal. Rather, the product stands out for its fresh design, natural look and attractive combinations of colours and patterns.


Teepee: a versatile toy


After frolicking in the water, a teepee provides shelter from the intense sun or a chilly breeze. It is a novel toy that has a positive effect on the creativity of children, offering exciting possibilities for playtime activities. Finding non-electronic toys is becoming ever more challenging for parents. In our time, each moment we spend away from screens is increasingly viewed as priceless. It is these concerns and values that the creative efforts of the designer of our teepees was primarily inspired by. (www.tipitelk.ee)


Individuals who are in daily contact with children – parents, teachers, nannies, psychologists and others – firmly believe that children are in need of a little bit of space that is all theirs. Children have so many things to think about, big and little alike, when taking a break from their games and being on their own. Sometimes children feel unsafe due to sudden changes in their lives, or when travelling. For example, when travelling, some kids climb under a bed or curl up in a bathtub to feel safe in their own little space. A teepee is the perfect version of a small space that is all theirs, and the enjoyment they get out of it exceeds the teepee’s size many times over. According to the philosophy of feng shui, pyramid-shaped structures have a positive effect on both adults and children.


The hot summer months are perfect for spending time with your children on the beach. The amount of exposure to the sun that is reasonable for adults is not necessarily good for kids. If you bring a teepee along, you can be sure that every now and then your child will use the opportunity to get out of the sun. This way, parents can turn a teepee into an excellent way of regulating their kids’ sun exposure. After being in the water, a teepee provides shelter from the breeze, while the fabrics we use let the air flow freely.

Do you remember how you used to play at your grandparents’ place on those long winter evenings? A table or armchair was covered with a blanket or sheet. Spending time in a blanket fort – a makeshift hideaway – brings immense joy to children. Don’t deprive your kids of that fun! A teepee is another alternative for this playtime activity.
When playing indoors or outdoors, unexpected things can happen. We provide instructions which help explain to children the principles of safe play in a teepee. Each of our products includes detailed instructions for preventing potentially harmful situations.
To download these instructions, click HERE