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HANDCRAFTED IN TARTUavalehe tekstipäis eng



The teepees featured on the websites of www.ruudis.ee and www.tipitelk.ee are made in Gertrud Eist’s studios in Tartu, Estonia. It is as if these handcrafted designs have a soul of their own, because they are made with great care and with modern children in mind. Many of our designs are custom-made, which means there are probably no two alike. Our range also includes highly popular styles – more than 50 sets of each have been sold. Many products feature minor differences in detailing to accommodate our customers’ preferences. Creating playful, fun products has not come about by chance, but is the result of our designer’s consistent efforts.



Tipitelk’s quality assurance

  • Finding the right, high-quality fabric is very important.
  • Our constantly upgraded range of equipment includes top models by Husqvarna Viking, Pfaff and Miele from 2014-2016. Our machines make it possible to work precisely and quickly when sewing, embroidering, edging and ironing.
  • Using more than a hundred different templates and combinations ensures precision and speed when cutting fabrics, enabling us to keep up with growing production volumes. We develop/produce a new template for each custom design.
  • Quality polished wood is processed according to the dimensions required for each product.
  • Our products are held together with neat seams. We use leading, high-quality thread for all seams to ensure that our machines work smoothly. As a result, sturdy toys are created.
  • We strive to ensure a modern working environment that is constantly upgraded and improved.
  • As at the end of 2015, our professional experience exceeded 1,000 units (teepees) per sewer.


Selection of completed designs – click HERE to browse our gallery